Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Officer Meeting/ Goals for Next Semester

Kara, Virginia, Livy, Allison, Ellen, Lindie, Corey, Abby, Jess


Dinner, movie, bowling, devotions/ inspirational, ice skating.

Dinner nights at Buccetos, Fazolis, Coldstone, etc., sell holiday themed items (flowers)

Plan a public event (random holidays), campus posters, outside counties, club newsletter, spring volunteer fairs, shirts!!!, food night,

Advertise sooner, more group projects, river or roadway, boys and girls club

4-H related:
Project workshop day, recruit more 4-H alumni (ask to share at project workshop day), mentoring within the 4-H community, recruit with junior leaders, new member workshops, integrate into monroe programs, 4-H spectacular day with projects and events (president's day, etc.), leadership development training, college prep at officers training (especially at junior leaders'), plan programs more thoroughly and in advance, share the fun talent shows, goal: 4 officer trainings, goal: 30 project workshop day participants, attend large 4-H events, go to Monroe County Fair, go to Indiana State Fair, Find Out Night

Meetings/ miscellaneous:
Find advisor, short brainstorming sessions during meetings (open floor or small groups), each chair accomplish at least one thing, themed meeting, go for dinner before or after, committee reports

New Business:
Recruitment for Monroe County 4-H.
Go to schools the entire week before 4-H Find Out Night (Feb. 12, 2008). Send members to classrooms to explain 4-H and promote Find Out Night.

Meetings for Spring Semester:
Wednesdays at 8 at the Education Building. Room TBA.

Ugly Sleeping Bags:
Donate to Shalom Center on Wednesday, 12/12. Meet for lunch and then take our 2 lovely sleeping bags to the shelter! Great teamwork on this project guys!

Holiday Hoopla:
Volunteer for Girls, Inc. event this Saturday. Email if you need more information.