Wednesday, November 28, 2007

IU Collegiate 4-H Mass Meeting Minutes Nov. 28th, 2007

IU Collegiate 4-H Meeting- Wednesday, Nov 28th, 2007

1. Welcome!

2. Icebreaker-we skipped this because we didn’t have enough members in attendance.

3. Past Events

a. Ugly Sleeping Bag Party-discussed at the last meeting

b. Area One 4-H Officer Training-Kara gave a brief overview, 30-40 children attended, we received really good reviews. We also received a $100 donation!!

4. Sign up for Committees-A sign-up sheet was sent around.

5. Elections-Jess explained the rules of voting.

a. President-Jess and Ellen ran for the position.

i. It was unanimous that Jess and Ellen will serve as Co-President

b. Vice President-Abby nominated Livy and Cory to split the position.

i. Ellen moved to unanimously accept the Cory/Livy position of Co-President. Cory seconded the motion, it was accepted.

c. Treasurer-Cory made a motion, Abby seconded it to accept Alicia as Treasurer and Lindie as Secretary.

d. Service-Abby was elected as Chair.

e. Social-Cory made a motion to accept Kara as Chair, Alicia seconded the motion. Kara was elected.

f. Publicity-Virginia was elected as Chair.

g. History and Website-Allison was elected as Chair.

6. Volunteer Opportunities-Livy discussed these:

a. Ugly Sleeping Bag Party II-Jess can acquire a sewing machine to use, Alicia completed one sleeping bag over break and has extra pieces to use. We will meet Saturday, 1pm at Cory and Abbie’s house. Please let Livy know if you can attend!

b. Girls Inc Holiday Hoopla-Saturday the 8th, Jess gave a synopsis of what we did last year. 2 slots are available (9-11, 11-1), please sign up on Facebook! We need someone to attend a volunteer training; it is Monday, 5:30pm at Fountain Square Mall. Livy, Kara, and Ellen will attend the training session.

c. Relay for Life Team-we need a captain who can attend monthly meetings if the club is interested in forming a team. Please contact Jess if you are interested!! If possible, ask your family members over Christmas break to donate. Kara will register our club on the website so that the club will receive updates.

d. Study-a-Thon-Lindie will send out an email with dates and times!! Please make checks out to IU Collegiate 4-H.

  1. National Collegiate 4-H Conference- February 21-24
    1. Early registration is due January 7th!!! Prices increase by $25. Also, consider booking airfare to the conference. Please talk to Jess if you are interested in attending!
    2. Each club has to vote for the location of the 2009 Conference. The choices are: Minnesota or Kansas City. The club voted to select Minnesota National Conference in 2009.
  2. R100 Class-Jess will contact the GA to come and talk to the club about participating.

9. Upcoming Meetings:
Officer and Chair meeting-Wednesday December 5th, Forrest Lounge 8pm. Please bring ideas with you to be efficient!!

10. See you next year!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

IU Collegiate 4-H Mass Meeting Min. Nov. 7, 2007

IU Collegiate 4-H Mass Meeting

November 7, 2007

Role Call: Kara, Ellen, Corey, Abby, Virginia, Lauren, Lindie, Gail, Livy, Alicia, Lisa, Allison, Jess

Upcoming events:
  • Officer Training: Tuesday, 11/13
North Vernon (1 ½ hrs) to serve 10 counties. Leave at 4:15. Need 6
people! Livy, Kara, Jess for sure. Send an emergency email to recruit more participants.
  • 4-H College Prep Weekend:
Various workshops on applying for college, scholarships, preparing, etc. Canceled due to lack of interest. Revamp for next year. Possibly create a traveling event. Lack of
advertising, late logistical planning.
  • Ugly sleeping bags: Friday, 11/9 @ 7- Corey’s house
Service project that creates sleeping bags out of old clothes (donated by Salvation Army) for the homeless. Coordinated with the Shalom Center. Cut cloth while watching a movie and having a potluck! Bring scissors and a dish to share. Friends welcome! Use our gift
card to buy scissors. Watch for the email. Sewing the following weekend.
  • Holiday Party:
To be scheduled.
  • Study-a-thon: Sunday, 12/9
Pledges for study hours. Ask for donations from friends, family, professors. Fundraiser for National Conference: 80% amount raised goes to your personal expenses, 20% to club. Teter formal lounge.
  • National Collegiate 4-H Conference: February 20-24
Denver, CO. Optional ski trip one day before or after ($150). Actual conference cost: $225. Airfare: $284 or drive 16 hours (possibly with Purdue). Possible participants: Jess, Gail, Virginia, Corey, Lindie, Alicia. Workshops and service projects.

New Business:
  • Officer nominations:
President: Ellen, Ellen/Jess,
Vice-President: Corey, Livy/ Jess
Treasurer: Alicia, Corey,
Secretary: Lindie,
  • Chair nominations:
Spring Semester
Service: Abby, Gail
Social: Kara, Alicia, Heather
Publicity: Lisa, Allison, Virginia
History and Website: Jess, Allison
Regional Communication: Jess

Additional nominations will be held via email. Elections will be held at the next meeting for voting members.

Next meeting will be Wednesday 11/28. Watch for the email surveying about possible meeting times for next semester.