Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Indiana University Collegiate 4-H Club Meeting
April 17, 2007
School of Education Rm. 1004

Jessica opened the meeting.

Jill’s House—we generated ideas for fundraising
Trick-or-Treating for household goods, provide entertainment for the kids, jars in the Union to collect monetary donations

Project Workshop Evaluations—Jessica will email those out

Study-a-Thon—Teter formal lounge, Saturday April, 28th, 11am-7pm, contact Lindie if you need a pledge sheet, Monroe County Adult Leaders will provide dinner

Orange County Officer Training—Sunday April 29th, Jess, Ellen, Livy, and Heather are attending. We need 1 more person to attend, please contact Jessica if you are interested.

Boys & Girls Club—April 27th, 3:30-4:30-Rachel is coordinating apple crisp with ice cream. Katie and Ellen are also attending, please come out for some fun!

SAO Celebration—April 24th, 6-7pm, Alumni Center. Mary, Rachel, and Lindie are attending.

Wide-a-Wake—April 19th, 7-7:30pm, Grandview Elementary. Mary and Sam are attending.

Regional Conference at Purdue—November 2-4. $90, the club wants to fundraise to cover half the cost of registration. Livy, Lindie, Ellen, Jennifer, Lisa, Renee, Kara, and Sam would like to attend. More information at

National Conference—February 20-24th, Denver, Colorado. Sam and Lindie would like to attend. $150/person. Check out the website for more information—

Committee Elections:
Service committee: Livy and Rachel will be co-chairs
Jacob moved to re-open nominations for Social Chair. Jennifer seconded. Nominations were re-opened. Jacob moved to nominate Kara. Lindie seconded. Kara accepted. Jacob moved to close nominations for Social Chair. Jennifer seconded. Kara and Alicia will be co-chairs.
Regional Communications—Jessica will be chair.
Publicity and Promotions—Renee will be chair.
History and Website—Elizabeth will be chair.

Club members showed their appreciation for Jessica by giving her a $45 giftcard to Bloomingfoods.

Club members enjoyed a potluck dinner to celebrate the end of the year.

Jess will send out club evaluations, please be honest about your thoughts.

Club Planning Meeting-April 24th, 8:15-9:15, School of Education Room 1004. All new and old committee chairs please attend. This is open to all club members.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Items requested for Adopt-A-Platoon

Information Provided by Rachel Bogle
Our care package will be very much appreciated by 10 soldiers working in
a medical clinic in Iraq. They are deployed from Ft. Lewis, WA until
July 2007. These medics work very long, hard hours taking care of the
wounded soldiers and they truly appreciate our thoughtfulness.

Requests: dvd movies, coffee, creamer, instant oatmeal,
tuna pouches and snack packs, drink mix singles, snacks, magazines and books

(as far as movies go, ASK around: Movies Music and More (in the dorms),
Libraries and Movie Rental places are sometimes looking to get rid of
movies. Also, check out Walmart or any other places that may have great
deals on movies. Also, ask roomates or friends if they have any dvds
that they would like to get rid of!)


You can always feel free to send hygiene/personal products as well:

Here are some ideas--

*Baby wipes (ALWAYS NEEDED!)
*Toilet Paper
*Shampoo, conditioner
*Soap or body wash
*Mouth wash
*Dental floss
*Eye drops
*Contact lens cleaner
*Sun block
*Bug spray
*Skin so soft (Avon)
*Liquid hand sanitizer
*Baby powder
*Foot powder
*Socks (white and black)
*Combs and brushes
*Cotton balls
*Nail clippers
*Nyquil and Dayquil

Practical Items:

*Phone cards (AT&T)
*Clorox wipes
*Stress balls
*Small flash lights
*Hand Warmers
*Paper and envelopes
*Pens and Pencils
*Paperback books
*Jokes and comics
*Disposable cameras
*Yo Yo's
*Squirt guns
*Dart boards
*Hackie sacks
*Jump ropes
*Mini fans
*Electronics hand held games
*Portable CD players
*Wool Blankets
*CDs and DVDs
*all occasion blank note cards (birthdays, holidays...)

For Females:

*Hair bands
*Hair clips
*Small mirrors
*Body sprays
*Hair spray
*Hair gel

Food Items:

*Instant coffee
*Tea bags
*non-dairy coffee creamer
*Powdered Gatorade
*Powdered hot chocolate
*Kool-Aid (presweetened)
*Slim Jims and Beef Jerky
*Chex mix
*Crackers and Easy Cheese
*Single servings of bagged chips
*Little Debbie snack cakes
*Rice Krispie Treats
*Dry cereal
*Microwave popcorn
*Granola bars
*Power bars
*Dried fruit
*Tuna or Chicken (canned or in a pouch)
*Hard Candy
*Bubble gum
*Fast food condiments
*Canned or Instant soup
*Ramen Noodles and Cup a Soup
*Ragu Express
*Kraft Easy Mac
*Canned Fruit
*Canned Beans and Franks

Also, if you have the means to send home-made cookies, that is one of
their favorites. I sent a ton to a team in the 101st Airborne in Tent
25, and I still get e-mails saying how much it meant to them, and
asking if I will be doing it again when they go to Afghanistan!

Here are some examples of "DON'T SEND" items:


*Pork, or pork products
*Pressurized Items - they may explode
*Products in glass containers
*Chocolate in the summer time to the Middle East
(Chocolate Chip cookies are OKAY though, and usually APPRECIATED!)

Also, feel FREE to write a short (or long) letter or send a card. If we
can get 10 letters or thank you cards for this platoon that would be
wonderful. So if you all could bring one along I can add it to the box
and we will have more than enough (which is good because sometimes
soldiers get sent over to join a platoon later than the others, so no
one should be left out!) In the letters, you are more than welcome to
ask them to write back, and include your address. They usually will
write you a letter to thank you, and you may even gain a penpal if
you'd like.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

April 3, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Indiana University Collegiate 4-H Club Meeting
April 3, 2007
School of Education Rm. 1004

Jessica opened the meeting.

If you have not paid dues please contact Lindie.

Ellen gave an update on Share the Fun in Ellettsville, Indiana. Jess, Mary, and Sabrina judged at Share the Fun and Lindie and Ellen hosted the event.

Elizabeth recapped Relay for Live where IU Collegiate 4-H raised over $1200.
Kara gave an overview of the Junior Leader meeting. At the meeting Junior Leaders were asked to help with project workshop day.

Ellen gave an overview of the Committees and a sign-up sheet was passed around.

Lindie discussed the Bloom Magazine Fundraiser. Please contact her if you can help!
Jessica explained the details of the VITAL service project. It will be held at Monroe County Library, Monday-Thursday 6:15-9pm.
Ellen and Livy are taking care of food for Project Workshop day.
Jr. Leader Lock-in—contact Jessica for details
Mary and Jessica will be attending the Monroe County Adult Leader Meeting
Ellen, Rachel, and Mary will be attending the Student Organization Award ceremony on behalf of IU Collegiate 4-H.
Renee, Ellen, Katie, and Rachel will be attending Boys & Girls Club, Friday April 27. Rachel is coordinating a Microwave Cooking project
Lindie discussed with meeting attendees the possibility of doing a Study-a-thon. Please contact her with any suggestions.
Ellen, Kara, Jess, Livy, and Heather will be attending the Orange County 4-H Officer Training.
Kara and Jacob are coordinating an End of the Year potluck dinner. Kara will send out an email regarding what each member should bring. Please contact them for more information.
Rachel discussed the Adopt a Platoon project—the club is responsible for 15 medics, Rachel has a list of items needed and will email everyone.

Committee Chairs were nominated:
Service—Jess nominated Livy, Ellen nominated Rachel
Social—Ellen nominated Alicia
Publicity and Promotions—Katie nominated Renee
Regional Communication—Livy nominated Jess
History and Website—Alicia nominated Elizabeth

Livy moved to close nominations, Heather seconded. Nominations were closed.

Contact Jessica if you are interested in:
4-H Host Weekend
Regional Collegiate 4-H Conference
National Collegiate 4-H Service Projects of Emphasis
Resource Library for the 4-H Community

Our last meeting will be April 27th.
There will be a Fall Planning meeting April 24th- mandatory for old and new committee chairs!!