Friday, October 13, 2006

October 12th Meeting Minutes

The third meeting of the Indiana University Collegiate 4-H Club was called to order by Jessica Falkenthal at 7:05PM. Refreshments were provided by Jessica.

Reviewing National 4-H Week Events
The club discussed the ice cream social and the Sycamore Land Trust trail building that were held during National 4-H Week.


  1. Monroe County 4-H Achievement Day (October 15th, 2PM Monroe County Fairgrounds)
    This event is being held to congratulate Monroe County 4-H members for their achievements this year. While we won't have any presentation going on during this event, the club was hoping to have a few members attend to show their support and perhaps do some networking. Jessica and Ellen are interested in attending if they can find a ride. Contact Jessica via e-mail if you are interested in attending

  2. New Collegiate 4-H Club of the Year Award (Due October 19th)
    The club reviewed the application for this award. One award will be presented for the Regional New Club of the Year during the Regional Conference next weekend. The regional winner will advance to the national new club of the year award competition. The club is interested in applying as we believe it will be a great benchmark for us along with a great opportunity for club promotion.
    Jessica will send out a version of the application and others can contribute
    Contact Jessica if you would like to assist in filling it out!

  3. Regional Collegiate 4-H Conference (October 20-22)
    Jessica will be attending and will have a report following the conference. Regional Dues are $50 for our club and will be due at the conference. Since the club does not have a back account established or established dues, Jessica volunteered to front the money. Sabrina moved that Jessica be reimbursed by the club for $50 for the club's regional dues, after the club has money. Jacob seconded. Motion passed 6-0.

  4. Collegiate 4-H Weekend!
    On October 28th, Collegiate 4-H is having several events! Rides will be provided. E-mail iucollegiate4h @ to let us know how many are coming. Friends are welcome!
    • Club Trip to Corn Maze (noon-??) Ellen will contact the corn maze about prices and group rates.

    • Monroe County Jr. Leaders Weiner Roast (October 28th, 4:30PM)
      We will be attending the weiner roast with the County Junior Leaders. This will be a great opportunity to socialize and get to know the teens.

    • Trick or Treating for Can Goods- After the weiner roast, we will head back to Bloomington neighborhoods to go trick or treating for can goods. Members are encouraged, but not required to dress up! The Junior Leaders will be invited to participate with us. The can goods will be donated to Hoosier Hills Food Bank. The food bank has had a very low number of donations this year and has had to resort to purchasing food! We hope to help them out with a few hundred pounds of food! We will need a few drivers to go with each group and store the can goods between streets. Lindie will contact the food pantry to get a list of specific items that they need and also the hours that we can drop everything off

    More information will be available next week!

  5. Trick or Treating for Can Goods ENCORE (Sunday, October 29, 3PM)
    Everyone has a second opportunity to go trick or treating for can goods. If you couldn't attend on Saturday, please consider helping on Sunday!

  6. Upcoming Service Projects
    • Boys and Girls Club monthly after school program- Beginning November 3, Collegiate 4-H will be starting to volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club on the first Friday of every month. Each member will need to attend a 30 minute volunteer training and complete an application prior to this. Jessica will arrange a training during the October 28 or November 2 meeting time or 30 minutes prior to the event.
      If you're interested in doing this service project, please come to our BGCA planning meeting on Thursday, October 19th at 7PM in Ballentine 006. We will be discussing and planning what we want to do for the first month!

    • Monroe County 4-H Volunteer Training- (January)
      The club will be assisting in conducting a workshop to help train the county's 4-H volunteers

    • Monroe County 4-H Find Out Night- (January)
      This is a massive open house for the county 4-H program. All 4-H clubs and projects are put on display and people throughout the county are invited to learn about 4-H! We will be assisting here. More information to come!

    • Chocolate Festival– (February, Bloomington Convention Center) The club will assist the morning of this event with cutting chocolate cakes, cookies, brownies, etc... and then get to participate in the chocolate buffet! (Imagine the entire convention center filled with glorious chocolate!)

    • Spring Officer Trainings for counties In the spring, we will be holding officer trainings for southern Indiana county 4-H programs

    • Upcoming Social Events
      November- A Collegiate 4-H Thanksgiving! We will gather at someone's house or apartment and have our own feast! Those without kitchens can feel free to use the kitchen to cook something!
      December- We will be going Christmas shopping together in Indianapolis! We hope to invite the Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club as well!


Next Thursday, October 19 at 7PM, we will hold a meeting to discuss our involvement with the Boys and Girls Club.
A fundraising committee will also be formed and meeting next Thursday as well! Please come help us discuss fundraising options and create a plan towards raising money for club events and trips!

From now on, we will hold meetings every 2 weeks, and hold committee/planning meetings on the other weeks. This will give us an opportunity to bring everyone together twice a month and try to make our general meetings fun while also having our necessary planning times! Jess will try to get our room changed to Teter or Wright, so it will be easier for people to walk to (and closer to buses) when it gets cold. You will be updated if the room changes!

Club Logistics
In November, we will discuss what offices and committees our club needs, along with how we want to operate. We hope to draft a new constitution, and vote on officers by the end of November.

Jacob will be providing refreshments for the October 26th meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.

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