Friday, November 17, 2006

November 9th Meeting Minutes

The fifth meeting of the IU Collegiate 4-H Club was called to order by Jessica Falkenthal at 7:03PM. Jessica led an icebreaker called 1 to 20.
Members Present: Jessica, Renee, Sam, Sabrina, Jacob, Katie, Kara, Heather, and Jennifer.
Excused: Ellen.

Confirming Final Events for Fall Semester

  1. Boys and Girls Club December 1, 3:30PM
    We will be holding our 2nd program at the Boys and Girls Club. All volunteers need to complete an application and complete a 30 minute training. Heather and Jennifer took applications for the next time.
    If you haven't completed your training yet, please get an application from Jess, so we can get you set up.

  2. Salvation Army Sorting- December 2, 10-2
    The Salvation Army Thrift Store has recieved too many donations this fall and need our help sorting, hanging and moving merchandise to the floor for sale! Renee's done this before and insists that it's oddles of fun.
    (Volunteers include: Jennifer, Sam, Sabrina, Renee, Jess) Contact Jess if you're interested.

  3. Girls Inc Holiday Hoopla- December 9 morning
    This is Girls Inc's largest fundraiser of the year and they need about 100 volunteers for the day to help with various Christmas activities. We will be providing assistance with this event in the morning.
    (Volunteers include: Kara, Jess, Sabrina, Katie, Sam, Renee, Heather) Contact Jess if you're interested.

  4. Christmas Caroling with the Jr. Leaders- December 9 4-6:30PM
    We will be bused around Bloomington to carol in different neighborhood with the Monroe County 4-H Junior Leaders.
    (Those interested include: Heather, Jess, Renee, Sabrina, Sam)

  5. Ice skating November 11 7-9
    This event was cancelled due to lack of transportation.

  6. Strategic Planning Party November 11 2PM-??
    The location was relocated from Katie's apartment to a lounge in Forrest. Sabrina is in charge of coordinating the location. We will be drafting the club constitution and determining how our club will function in the future. It could take a few hours.

Next Spring's Events!

  1. MLK Day "Fair of Fun- Monday, January 15- 11AM-3PM
    This event is being held at the Bloomington High School South. They want student organizations from IU and BHSS to host activity tables for over 200 elementary school kids.
    Applications for intent to participate are due Novemeber 25th.
    During the meeting, the club decided to do potato stamping of 4-H clovers and also have a display for 4-H recruiting. We hope to contact the county 4-H Jr. Leaders to ask if they would like to host an activity table next to us and assist in 4-H recruitment.
    Jess will complete and turn in the application & talk to Jeff.

  2. Officer Training 'Training' Wednesday, January 18 6PM
    Purdue Collegiate 4-H is offering a training for how to lead officer trainings on this date. As it would be quite difficult for us to travel to this event, we are hoping to utilize Purdue Extension's video conferencing system to watch their club's training. The club will have more information at the next meeting after we hear back from the Purdue club.

  3. Monroe County Volunteer Training- January 20 10AM-2PM
    During this event, we wil be responsible for leading a roundtable discussion about what IU Collegiate 4-H can do for 4-H clubs. We'll meet and greet with the county 4-H leaders and you can find a leader who has a project similar to your interests, if you're interested in working with a club. The keynote speaker is Dr. Renee McKee, the Indiana state 4-H leader.
    We will also be participating in various training parts during this to fulfill our volunteer training requirement! PLEASE put this date on your calendar, as it is essential for you to be there if you haven't completed the volunteer training in your home county.

  4. Chocolate Fest- Saturday, February 3
    This event is being held at the Bloomington Convention Center. We'll be volunteeering in the morning or afternoon and get to sample hundreds of chocolates in the evening!

  5. Monroe County/Area 4-H Officer Training- (the week of February 5-10)
    The club hasn't confirmed a date yet, since we're waiting on members to finish scheduling for next semester. We need to decide before December. It will be on a weeknight from 6:30-8:30 at the county fairgrounds.

  6. National Collegiate 4-H Conference- February 15-18
    The club needs the names of those interested in attending, so we can begin coming up with fundraising ideas.
    (Interested: Jess, Renee, Sabrina, Sam, Heather)

  7. Monroe County Find-Out Night January/February
    This is a countywide 4-H open house. The club will have some sort of display. The club is also interested in looking into fundraising opportunities at this event.

  8. IU Relay for Life Team March 31-April 1
    Our club is very interested in having a team. We discussed various fundraising ideas and how members could have friends donate online. Heather and Jennifer volunteered to serve as co-captions of the team. They will try to get us registered this month and report on the progress at the next meeting.
    (Interested members include: Jess, Jacob, Katie, Renee, Sam, Sabrina, Jennifer, Heather)

  9. Area Project Workshop Day- Saturday, April 14 10AM-2PM
    We will be offering workshops on our various project areas of expertise throughout the day. Monroe County 4-H'ers and neighboring counties will be invited to this event. We will need to know everyone's area of expertise.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17. Following the meeting, those attending the November 10th Boys and Girls Club program met briefly to confirm their plans.

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