Sunday, September 23, 2007

Conference Call 9/23/07

IU Collegiate 4-H Conference Call
September 23, 2007
10:30-11:00 pm

In attendance:
Livy, Ellen, Katie, Lindie, Jess, and Alicia

Jess opened the meeting. We discussed this week’s brainstorming meeting with Jeff and two Adult Leaders from Monroe County. The first part of the mass meeting will be conducted as a regular business meeting and the second half we will have open discussions. Alicia will bring an icebreaker that will last approximately 5 minutes. Livy will discuss some of the volunteer opportunities at the next meeting. Ellen will discuss Regional Conference, registration is due before our next meeting. Jess’s recommendation for reimbursement is to do this after the conference is over. We will require club members to fulfill the requirements for reimbursement by the date of the Regional Conference (requirements are: dues paid, participate in fundraising event, attend 2 meetings, attend social or service event).

We will collect dues at the next meeting ($5).

Lindie will contact the Student Activities Office about flyering and scheduling a time to sell pizza.

Kara and Alicia will discuss social events at the mass meeting.

Jess will be emailing out 4-H Volunteer Forms and requesting that members bring the filled out form to the next meeting.

First, divide into small groups and make sure that an officer is in each group along with other members. Second, come back together as one big group to discuss everything.
Ellen, Livy and Lindie will serve as facilitators for the small groups. During the small groups we will discuss: volunteer opportunities, issues Monroe County 4-H is having, and how our club can help the Monroe County 4-H Program and how our club can establish a relationship with the Monroe County 4-H Program.

Volunteer Fair, 11-2, Tuesday (25th)—Alumni Hall, IMU
Jess can work 11-12:30
Lindie 11-12:30
Jess needs to be reimbursed for the table fee ($15).

Please email Jess if you have anything to add to the agenda.

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